MCE-202 Microchip Electrophoresis System for DNA/RNA Analysis
Quick Setup, Great Results
Start Analysis in Just Three Steps
Extremely simple operation. Once the analysis schedule has been created, simply load the samples and reagents and click the Start button.
Automated Analysis From 1 to 108 Loaded Samples
Fast analysis with up to four microchips in parallel. Reusable microchips and selecting the optimal reagent for each sample achieves excellent analytical performance.
Wide Range of Applications
Widely used for genetic research applications as well as food analysis, genotyping, microbiological analysis, infectious disease analysis, and RNA analysis.
Simplifies Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Easy automated analysis
• No need to cast gels.
• Just load your samples and reagents for automated analysis.
• Automated cleaning after analysis.
Objective analysis of results
• Correction by internal standard markers and ladder standards result in the output of highly reproducible size data.
• High-sensitivity fluorescent dyes achieve order-of-magnitude greater sensitivity than
agarose/ethidium bromide systems.
• Good separation and clear detection of DNA below 100 bp.
Convenient data management
• Gel images and waveform data saved as image files.
• Viewer allows parallel display of analysis data from different times and dates.
• Numerical data can be output as a csv file for analysis by Shimadzu AutoFinder (option).